
Hall of Fame

Classic mode (hardest)
Board size Last tile
Silver Gold Neutron Star Black Hole
7X7 6.5% 10.6% 11.1% 16.5%
8X8 7.6% 17.8% 18.0% 34.3%
9X9 0 0 0 0
10X10 0 0 0 0

Predicted mode
Board size Last tile
Silver Gold Neutron Star Black Hole
7X7 6.4% 11.9% 19.6% 25.5%
8X8 10.2% 17.9% 39.8% 36.2%
9X9 0 0 0 0
10X10 0 0 0 0

Endless mode
Board size Last tile
Silver Gold Neutron Star Black Hole
7X7 7.2% 13.7% 18.0% 21.9%
8X8 11.8% 17.5% 24.6% 38.0%
9X9 0 0 0 0
10X10 0 0 0 0

Hall of Fame Submission

To submit a game to the Hall of Fame, please email me a link to a video of your high score -

  1. Use any software to record a video of your entire game (at least 5fps).
    Sound is not required.
    There are many good free applications. I can recommend OBS.
  2. Make sure your score is above 5% (50 moves) AND above the current high score for that slot.
  3. Upload your file to the internet (either on youtube or any other file uploading site) to get a link.
  4. Email the link and your name (or alias) to me -

*Note: HoF game videos are available in a the OCD YouTube Channel , so..

If you would like your game video to NOT be public, please specify that in your email, and the video itself will not be public.